Personal Balance Sheet / Net Worth Template (Google Sheets)
Introducing the Personal Balance Sheet Template, an easy-to-use spreadsheet that will help you track your assets and liabilities to give you a complete picture of your financial net worth.
Why should you buy it?
Understanding your net worth is a critical first step in building wealth and creating a firm financial foundation to build on.
What is it?
It's a Google Sheets spreadsheet template you can use to create a personal balance sheet, meaning a complete list of your financial assets and liabilities (debts). It has pages for various assets types and liabilities, and a totals section that shows you your total net worth as well as a breakdown of how much each asset represents of the total.
Who is it for?
Anyone who is interested in taking control of their financial situation! There are tools out there that allow you to automatically sync accounts to do something similar, but this tool is for people who want more control over how data is displayed and for people have have Bitcoin (or other Crypto assets) in wallets that can't necessary be summarized in typical financial tools.
You'll get a link to the spreadsheet so you can make a copy and instructions on how to use it.